Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Life's a Gift... Unwrap It!

After the tornado ( Greensburg , Ks.)


Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy they named Ralphie. Someone had already taken him under their wing but they weren't equipped to adopt.

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Ralphie, scared and starved, joined his rescuers...

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

I wouldn't think anything could live thru this.... but we
were wrong.

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

This little lady also survived that wreckage.

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Here she is just placed in the car - scared, but safe.

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

and then..they are no longer alone!

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Instant friends, they comforted each other while in the car.

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Add two more beagles found after that...
the more, the merrier!

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Oh boy, a new traveler to add to the mix...
(Note: the cat coming over the seat needing shelter...)
Now just how is this going to work? (and remember they
are all strange to one another )

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

It's going to work just fine, thank you very much!

Life is a Gift, Unwrap It

Wow! The things we learn from our animal friends...
If only all of mankind could learn such valuable lessons as this.
Lessons of instant friendship.
Of peace and harmony by way of respect for one another --
no matter one's color or creed.
These animals tell you... "It's just good to be alive and with others.
Yes, it surely is. So... Live, love, laugh.
Life's a Gift... Unwrap It!"

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